Larry Kudlow Says Federal Employees Forced To Work For No Pay Are Actually 'Volunteering'

Larry Kudlow is yet another completely out of touch Trump Administration official minimizing the suffering of federal employees being forced to work for zero pay.

Larry Kudlow, current White House Economic Adviser, stated with a completely straight face that federal government employees on furlough (ie NO pay) are just "volunteering" to do their jobs for free.

Volunteering is defined as "offering to do something for free"...not being TOLD you have to do something for no money. That, friends, is the definition of "slavery."

In this clip from C-Span, Kudlow tries valiently to make it sounds like these workers are "volunteering" because of their love of country, of "their President" and that they deserve credit (but no paychecks) because...

I don't know. He doesn't answer that last part.

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