Maddow Connects Trump's Troop Deployment To Fictional Movie 'Sicario'
Here's hoping the House Armed Services Committee, now led by Dems, focus on the very real evidence that the "president" moves our military around without their permission for completely made up reasons.
We've long been getting our news from comedy, and our comedy from the news, but whether or not SNL's mention of the movie "Sicario" is what tipped off Rachel Maddow, it's Maddow who brought the matter into sober focus on Monday night. She started by celebrating in that low-key Maddow way the fact that finally, actual oversight begins in the House of Representatives with the Democrats in charge. Huzzah!
Today, the House Armed Services Committee, chaired by Democrat Adam Smith, begins hearings into why, with little to no evidence of need, the Racist-In-Chief deployed five thousand active military troops to the Mexican border in November. We all know he did that for political effect in the midterms, but in order to justify it "officially," he'd bleated and rasped about the existence of a fictional crisis requiring their presence.
Astonishingly, this "crisis" bore a striking resemblance to plot points in the new movie, "Sicario — Day of the Soldado." Prayer rugs in the dessert? Check. Women tied up with duct tape? Check. Mexican drug smugglers with magic cars our Border Patrol Agents could only dream of keeping up with? Check. Aaaalllllll in the movie, and aaaaalllll in speeches President Adderall sleazed and spewed all over the airwaves. All reasons he cited for needing to deploy thousands of active duty military to the border with Mexico.
And when called out about how this crisis failed to actually EXIST? His toadies and cronies employed by the government and paid with OUR TAX DOLLARS sent letters to Border Patrol Officials asking them to please, please, PLEASE come up with any evidence they could to support the president's fallacious claims. "After our Dear Leader has said this ridiculously untrue thing to justify this unconscionable troop movement for completely racist reasons to satisfy the tiny base that only loves him because they are as racist and sexist as he is, would you actual (probably) law abiding people with difficult jobs take time away from your real duties to find evidence of this thing from a crappy movie he wishes were real because he has the brain function of a candle wick?"
This is the presidency, people. The Twatwaffle Tyrant cannot even come up with his own LIES. He has to get them from third-rate movies vilifying Mexicans as drug smugglers and human traffickers, taping up women and using flying cars with rocket boosters to get past American law enforcement. He cannot even have an original LIE. F*cking pathetic. Now, though, there is some chance at oversight. Don't blow it, Armed Services Committee. The producers of "Sicario" are counting on you to make sure there is no lasting connection between them and this POS in the White House.