Mainstream Media: Do Your Motherf**king Job
The media must focus on the important American news in 2019. Just look at the media coverage of Rashida Tlaib saying "We're gonna impeach the motherf*cker!" compared to actual news and events taking place in our country. In 2019, mainstream media needs to use its powerful voice for the good of country instead of trying to drive ad revenue with clickbait stories.
In 2019, the mainstream media needs to do their motherf**king job. The media should use its powerful voice for the good of country because America is in a full-blown crisis.
Look at the media coverage devoted to Rashida Tlaib saying "We're gonna impeach the motherf**ker!" compared to stories on why President Trump spews Russian propaganda during cabinet meetings. The clickbait of Rashida Tlaib's cursing far outweighs coverage of the leader of our country parroting Russian talking points!
Being Objective Does Not Mean Let Liars Lie
Esquire has a great article on why the media needs to do a better job calling out Trump, and why being objective doesn't mean letting liars lie.
We are at war with Russia. It's no longer a "conspiracy theory" that our President and some of our leaders are helping a hostile foreign country harm America.
In 2019, mainstream media outlets have a responsibility to cover the dangerous events impacting our country. There are on-going active measures assaulting Americans daily. The media could be a powerful weapon against the tsunami of Russia and Republican party propaganda.
Here are a handful of news stories that need much more coverage by American mainstream media outlets.
#1 - Why Does Trump Parrot Kremlin Talking Points?
Thank God for Rachel Maddow. Her recent show gave an overview of Trump’s foreign policy talking points, that directly parrot Vladimir Putin’s playbook. . This story should be on every reporter's radar.
#2 - Trump Calling a National Emergency to Build Wall
The President of the United States wants to create a National Emergency in order to get funding for his $5 Billion dollar fantasy wall without getting approval from Congress. This is a nightmare that should be setting off alarms for every American---and every member of the media.
#3 - Jared Kushner
Trump's Son-in-Law Jared Kushner one of the most dangerous individuals in the Trump crew. Expert on Authoritarian governments, Sarah Kendizor has been warning us about Trump setting up a “dynastic kleptocracy” for his daughter Ivanka Trump and her husband. Kendzior explains the danger:
“While novel to the US, the Trump family dynamic may be familiar for citizens of authoritarian kleptocracies,. Adult children of authoritarians are useful in three ways: first, they tend to be trustworthy confidants in regimes rife with paranoia, as corrupt authoritarian states usually are. Second, they are excellent vessels for laundering money, creating enough distance that assets stolen from the state are harder to track. Third, they tend to have a warmer public profile which offsets the brutality of the dictator by distracting the population with pictures of their happy families or glamorous lifestyle.”
#4 - Saudi Arabia
Speaking of Jared Kushner, how about the advice he gave the Saudi Crown Prince on how to "ride out the bad publicity" surrounding the murder of U.S.-based columnist Jamal Khashoggi. Kushner the Princeling has been going around normal diplomatic protocol for two years by having private conversations with world leaders. But Kushner's bromance with Prince Mohammed bin Salman is especially dangerous and appalling.
President Trump has disregarded the advice of his intelligence experts on Prince Mohammed bin Salman's involvement in the brutal murder of the Washington Post's Jamal Khashoggi. The day after announcing he would not punish the Saudis for Khashoggi's murder, Trump went even further by thanking Saudi Arabia for plunging oil prices!
Mainstream media outlets (I'm looking at you New York Times and CNN): America is at war. Choose your side.