Outrage As MAGA-Wearing HS Kids Taunt Native Elder At Indigenous Peoples March

Boys from an elite prep school in Kentucky bring shame upon themselves and their school.

So yesterday this happened at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC. MAGA-wearing prep school boys taunting a Native Elder is pretty much symbolic of this entire disgusting era of Trump.


Details are unclear, but it appears that an entire class from a private, all male boys school (Covington Catholic High School in Covington, Kentucky) were the culprits. Apparently they were bussed in to attend the March for Life event, the same thing the Pences attended.

Source: Indian Country Today

Native Twitter has gone ablaze as a Native American elder singing the AIM Song in Washington DC during the Indigenous Peoples March was ridiculed, taunted and mocked by a group of non-Native youth.

The video, which was posted by YouTube account holder KC NOLAND, was also screen captured and shared on other social media accounts with views shortly gaining tens of thousands of views.

The elder is Nathan Phillips, an Omaha elder who is also a Vietnam Veteran and former director of the Native Youth Alliance. He is also a keeper of a sacred pipe and holds an annual ceremony honoring Native American veterans in the Arlington National Cemetery.

Phillips is also the subject of a previous racially-based incident when he was taunted and harassed by Eastern Michigan University students who were dressed stereo-typically as Native Americans. As reported in FOX 2 News, he was yelled at and hit by a thrown beer can.

Editor's update:

According to Cincinnati.com, the school's social media accounts have been made private, and a representative from the Roman Catholic Diocese of Covington has said they are looking into the incident.

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