Scarborough: We Need To Say Trump Is Choosing Putin Over Intel Chiefs

"We need to stop saying Donald Trump is taking a position different from them and need to say the truth, which is that Donald Trump is adopting Vladimir Putin's position," Scarborough said.

Morning Joe started today with this clip:

There is nobody more concerned about the intelligence and the CIA than Donald Trump. I know that sometimes you haven't gotten the backing that you wanted. You're going get so much backing, you're going to say, Mr. President, please, we don't need that much backing.

"I remember watching that, being horrified and thinking is this as weird as it gets?" Joe Scarborough said.

"What is a quaint moment from the -- kind of like watching Happy Days in '75. The basement of your house was kind of normal from where we are today. Today."

"I thought yesterday was absolutely staggering in his tweets and beyond. People need to stop saying that Donald Trump is 'taking a different position' than all of his intel chiefs and from the United States military, from the CIA director, from the NSA, from the FBI director, from all the directors that he himself selected, all Republicans, we need to stop saying Donald Trump is taking a position different from them and need to say the truth -- which is that Donald Trump is adopting Vladimir Putin's position on the FBI, on the CIA, on Dan Coats, on every intel leader, the military intelligence leaders.

"He has decided that he is going to adopt the position of an ex-KGB agent instead of the very intel chiefs, the intel community and the military community he is now supposed to be running."

At least someone is coming right out and saying it, unlike some "news" organizations. (I'm looking at you, New York Times.) Refusing to spell out Trump's loyalties is part of normalizing them, and it doesn't serve the interests of anything except access journalism.

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