Tiffany Cross Shuts Down Noah Rothman's 'Both Sides' On Racism

Noah Rothman is making silly arguments about white victimhood: 'Both sides' face discrimination as individuals, let's not make it tribal. Tiffany Cross knocks this down.

Noah Rothman has found the perfect Morning Joe-friendly way to dismiss social justice movements.

Both-sider the hell out of them.

By philosophizing about "individuals" versus "tribes," Rothman attempts to water down claims of racial discrimination by groups, because "both sides" -- White nationalists AND people of color -- make the argument that meritocracy is out of their reach.

Just because Nazis and Klansmen say they're discriminated against doesn't make it true, Noah.

But both siderism is cocaine to the Morning Joe producers, so much so that they've spent TWO mornings on Rothman's stupid book. "Negative discrimination has now become the point."

Tiffany D. Cross shut this bs right down:

TIFFANY CROSS: Many people are not master of their own destiny. I think it’s an accurate philosophy. With respect, I think your outlook on this is a bit myopic and based solely on your experience, and doesn’t extend the intellectual debate with people who haven’t had your history.

Certainly, there are economically disadvantaged white people in this country. I think the reasons why they’re socially and economically disadvantaged are very different from the reasons why some communities of color are disadvantaged and think it’s really dangerous to look at the current state this country without looking at it through the context of historical systems that put those people in that position. You call that victimization, but I call that reality for a lot of people."

There's no reason why the solutions for improving the economies of communities of color can't also raise those of poor whites. It's when poor whites vote against those economic improvements because of "undeserving blacks," REPEATEDLY, that Rothman's nonsense burns up under the light. It's the racism, stupid.

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