Tired Of Winning: Trump's Poll Numbers Post-Cave Are Terrible
Just wait until he tries and fails to shutdown the government again or Maxine Waters starts reading his tax returns out loud on YouTube.
Hey you guys! Only 19 days until the gubmint runs out of Ameros and Prznint Stupid shuts it down again!!! Woot-woot!!1!
So let’s see what America thinks since our recent experiment in hostage taking! (Emphasis mine)
“After the longest partial government shutdown in U.S. history, six-in-10 Americans believe the country is headed in the wrong direction, and nearly 70 percent of them have negative opinions on the state of the nation today, according to the latest national NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.”
“Six in 10 Americans in an ABC News/Washington Post poll say the new Democratic majority in the House should make use of its authority to obtain and publicly release Donald Trump’s tax returns, while about as many support other Democratic-led investigations of the president.
“Beyond the tax issue, 57 to 61 percent back House investigations into three topics tested in the national survey: possible collusion between Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign and Russia, Trump’s relationship and communications with Russian President Vladimir Putin and possible financial ties between Trump and foreign governments.”
Good Job, Stupid!
crossposted from Mock Paper Scissors