Trump Dropped Several 'F Bombs' At Meeting With Pelosi And Schumer

According to the Daily Beast, Trump also said he's willing to shut the government down for years.

Why aren't the members of our illustrious media in an uproar over Trump's uncivil language? (How about asking him if so many TSA workers calling out sick are making us more vulnerable to terrorists? Think you could work up a head of steam over that?)

Via the Daily Beast:

During Friday’s meeting at the White House over the ongoing shutdown standoff, President Donald Trump and Democratic leaders Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Chuck Schumer (D-NY) made little substantive progress as Pelosi and Schumer urged Trump to reopen the government by Tuesday, according to two people familiar with the meeting.

One of these knowledgeable sources told The Daily Beast President Trump kicked off the meeting with a rant lasting roughly 15 minutes that included his $5.6 billion demand for a border wall, and threatened that he was willing to keep the government closed for “years” if that’s what it took to get his wall. He also, unprompted, brought up the Democrats who want him impeached, and even blamed Pelosi for new Democratic congresswoman Rashida Tlaib saying at a party earlier this week that Democrats would impeach the “motherfucker” Trump. (It is unclear why Trump would think Pelosi was responsible for this.)

[...] Along with saying the word “f*ck” at least three times throughout the meeting, the president bizarrely stated that he did not want to call the partial government shutdown a “shutdown,” according to the source. Instead, he referred to it as a “strike.” (Many of the federal employees affected by the weeks-long shutdown have been working without pay. That is essentially the opposite of a strike.)

During the course of this meeting, the Democrats in the room were visibly shaking their heads in exasperation. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell was one of the Republicans in the room. He barely spoke, according to a source familiar with Friday’s meeting.

Sounds like the Cheeto's unraveling is accelerating apace!

If anyone's counting on Yertle the Turtle to do anything about Trump's insanity, they will have a very long wait. We all know Mitch will throw himself in front of an oncoming train if that's what it takes to keep control of the Senate.

In the meantime, it seems remarkably optimistic that Trump believes he'll be in the White House long enough to shut the government down for years. After all, the new Congress members intend to ITMF!

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