Tucker Carlson Whines: Corporations 'Award Their Spoils' Based On Race And It's Mean

Fox News Host cries crocodile tears over racists and sexists who get fired for their beliefs.

Tucker Carlson is gunning for a complete advertising exodus from his show, if last night's commentary is any indication. In December, he sent an impressive 24 advertisers sprinting for the exits when he said immigration made America "dirtier." What could he possibly do to rid himself of his few remaining advertisers, "Don't You Worry Your Pretty Little Head" hair products for thin white women only, and "Christians Do I.T. Better" computer services?

First, he cried himself a river over the tragic fate of Rush Limbaugh: the poor sap was crushed by tech companies just for saying things they didn't like, you guys! All he did was say stuff they didn't like! So what if he knew that stuff was completely false, and if it was intended to incite violence and make white people scared of less-white people? So what if it was intended to spread propaganda in the interests of lifting a criminal into the highest office of the land? Where do tech companies get off deciding they don't want to be associated with people like that? Don't they know they are OBLIGATED by the FIRST AMENDMENT to get his listeners to buy HIS products through their platforms? SHAME ON YOU, PAYPAL!

Then...THEN, he went after diversity in hiring.

"In the business world, virtually, every major company seems to have lurched left since Trump's elections. Our corporate leaders are now openly determined to award this country's spoils on the basis on skin color, rather than merit, they say that out loud. This is unfair and it's deeply divisive. It makes Americans hate each other. It's also, as a factual matter, illegal. Corporations are not allowed to practice racial discrimination, neither are universities."

I'm going to type this veeerrrrryyyy sllllooooowwwwwllllly, Tucker. Affirmative Action is not the same thing as racial discrimination. It is not subject to the "two wrongs don't make a right" argument. It doesn't make Americans hate each other. It makes white people see that: (a) they have held power and privilege by virtue of their skin color, and (b) they don't get to do that anymore. It course corrects. It repairs societal wounds. And for people who are upset about it, it exposes them for the racists that they are. Like you, sweetie. See how that works?

Now. How many advertisers are left?

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