Veselnitskaya Admits She Is A Kremlin Informant — Conspiracy Is In The Air

Trump is trying again to distract from his Russia problems with his Wall Show tonight.

President Pissflap is going on TV at 9 p.m. EST tonight to lie to us for 8 minutes about the wall and brown people because he's convinced it will distract us from the Mueller probe. Remember the Mueller probe? Bob's been kinda quiet lately, but something new has popped up that might be of interest to him, and it doesn't even have to do directly with his case.

Natalya Veselnitskaya, the Russian lawyer in the 2016 Trump Tower meeting, was charged with obstruction of justice in New York, but in a different case having nothing to do with the Mueller probe. Nevertheless, the reason she was charged is likely of GREAT interest to Mueller, because it is indicative of just how closely tied to Putin and the Kremlin she truly is, and the degree to which she misrepresented herself.

TUR: Richard Engel, you've sat down with Natalia Veselnitskaya and pressed her on some of her misstatements. Remind us who she is again and what you've learned about her.

ENGEL: So Natalia Veselnitskaya is a prominent Russian lawyer. She's defended elements of the Russian government and Russian security services for years. She was at that Trump Tower meeting, meeting with President Trump, then candidate Trump's, inner circle in 2016. The question is what was she doing in New York? How did she suddenly end up at the Trump Tower meeting? The answer is she was in New York defending her client who was being charged with money laundering. During that case, in order to help her client, she presented to the court a document that was supposedly an official Russian investigation, an investigation that exonerated her client. Well, we reported exclusively in April e-mails that showed that while she was presenting that document to the court, she had actually been actively involved in writing that document. You can't present evidence to help your client that you have created or helped create yourself. And that is why today she is being charged with obstruction of justice. Because she was apparently, as Tom said, in cahoots with the Russians. And this is very significant because she has maintained all along that she's just a concerned citizen, that she wanted to advise the Trump campaign on some nuances of U.S./Russian relations, and that she wasn't tied to the Kremlin. This indictment and our reporting previously shows she has very close ties to the Russian government, so close, in fact, that she can help the government create official responses, official investigations presented to American courts. So when I sat down with her, I helped her -- I asked her, explain to me exactly what her relationship is and how is it she was so close with the Russian official prosecutor.

TUR: Let's actually play that sound bite, if we can.

ENGEL: You said your relationship with the prosecutor general is what?

VESELNITSKAYA (in Russian): I am a lawyer, and I am an informant.

TUR: So again, another piece of a puzzle that we're learning very slowly.

ENGEL: An informant, yes. Not someone who's just an innocent bystander here. I also spoke earlier today with the lead prosecutor in the U.S. Case, the one that she supposedly tried to obstruct the pursuit of justice in, and she was quite pleased with this outcome and said that it showed that the U.S. does take the integrity of its criminal cases seriously.


She told a U.S. Reporter while she knew she was being recorded for television that she was attending the Trump Tower meeting in New York as an informant for the Kremlin and Putin. Were the people in the room with her too stupid to realize this? Were they too morally bankrupt to care? Were they too deluded to think our intelligence agencies and law enforcement agencies and free press wouldn't be able to track this sh*t down, eventually? Whatever combination of all three of these things is the answer, the math all adds up to conspiracy.

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