Bichon Frise Wins Applause At Westminster, And Isn't That The Point?

"Winky" thought he was there to get applause, not win a race, and he won the applause meter at Westminster by a mile. (open thread)

Too funny! Winky the Bichon Frise was supposed to go through the obstacle course under timed conditions, but he kept stopping to receive applause from the audience!

Related: R. Eric Thomas in Elle Magazine: "Winky, the Westminster Dog Show's Unbothered Bichon Frise, Is My New Life Coach":

"Winky's time to beat: 40 seconds. Winky's actual time: 100 seconds with 92 errors. ...While the course is very impressive when done by a dog who seems to actually care, I actually found Winky's "window-shopping at the mall" pace to be the most inspiring."

h/t Aliza. Open thread below...

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