Cohen Brings Receipts: Trump Signed Check For Stormy Payment

Reimbursement for the Stormy Daniels hush money payment was signed by PRESIDENT Trump in 2017. BOOM.

Around here, we call him the "so-called president." But it turns out Donald Trump, who claims he is "not involved" with his businesses now that he's "president," signed a check reimbursing Michael Cohen for hush money payments to the porn star he had sex with while his wife was recovering from childbirth.

I want to make sure all of those words are noted, carefully.

porn star
hush money

ELIJAH CUMMINGS: So let me be sure I understand: Donald Trump wrote you a check, out of his personal account, while he was serving as President of the United States, to reimburse you for hush money payments to Miss Clifford. Is that what you are telling the American people today?

MICHAEL COHEN: Yes, Mr. Chairman.

The only reason Donald Trump is still in office is the utterly corrupt Republican infrastructure, including Fox News and the GOP-held Senate.

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