Colbert Takes On Super Bowl, State Of The Union Preview

Colbert notes that the Super Bowl sucked, and Trump's State of the Union will focus on...greatness?

On Monday's Late Show, Stephen Colbert made a comparison between the Super Bowl Halftime Show and Donald Trump's upcoming State of The Union speech:

"So yesterday it was Maroon 5, tomorrow it's Orange 1. Please don't take your shirt off, sir."

"Now when it comes to the State of the Union, just like prom there's an official theme. This year's theme is 'Choosing Greatness.' Yes, we get a choice: The other options are 'Selecting Mediocrity,' 'Settling for Racist,' or 'Fish.'"

"But Donald Trump says he wants to unite the country, and if you look at his polling numbers, he's getting damn close. In fact, 56 percent of Americans say they will definitely not vote for Trump next year, and a new CNN poll finds that 4 in 10 call this the worst governing of their lifetimes. ... Another surprising tidbit from the poll, 12 percent of Americans say they've never heard of Mike Pence. Never heard of him. 'Oh my God, honey, look behind the president! It's some sort of boring ghost. He must be condemned to roam the Earth until he completes his unfinished Cream of Wheat.'"

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