Flashback: When Trump And Fox & Friends Thought Executive Action On Immigration Was Unconstitutional And Impeachable

In 2014, executive action on immigration was worthy of impeachment, but Trump's cheerleaders over on state-run TV have short memories.

In 2014, when Donald Trump blasted President Barack Obama for using executive action on immigration, he said Obama “certainly” deserved impeachment for it – and the three hosts of Fox & Friends sounded all in. But the show erased history now that Trump has done what he claimed to oppose so vehemently.

As you probably know by now, Trump declared a national emergency this Friday morning, just before he went to play golf in Florida, because he couldn’t make a deal with Congress to fund his unpopular wall that Mexico was supposed to pay for.

But it turns out Trump called executive action on immigration unconstitutional and impeachable – for Obama. As CNN’s Andrew Kaczynski noted, that’s what Trump said in November, 2014, when he was asked on Fox & Friends about Obama’s executive actions that halted deportations for the undocumented parents of children born in the United States.

As a lower-third banner read, “PRESIDENTIAL POWER GRAB,” Trump called Obama “a bad leader” who can’t get people to “make a deal” like Lyndon Johnson and Ronald Reagan. And, presumably, like Trump could. “You know, you get ‘em in a room and you make a deal,” Trump said.

“Mmhmm,” cohost Steve Doocy agreed.

“But certainly, he has not been able to do that and now he has to use executive action and this is a very, very dangerous thing,” Trump said. He claimed it “should be overridden easily by the Supreme Court.” That is, if there was not “wild card” Justice Roberts on the bench who, Trump said, is “another disaster given by President Bush.”

“So, we’re looking now at a situation should absolutely not pass muster in terms of Constitutionality but depends on what these justices do,” Trump announced.

But that wasn’t enough criticism for the Fox hosts. “Has the president done something worthy of impeachment and should he be impeached?” cohost Peter Johnson, Jr. “asked”

“Well, he certainly did something that was unconstitutional,” the 2014 Trump said. “I mean, I think certainly he could be impeached.”

Not a single one of the three hosts challenged Trump’s opinions.

I’ll bet you won’t be shocked to know that Friday’s Fox & Friends acted as though none of those words were ever spoken.

Cohost Brian Kilmeade noted that Mitch McConnell would be supporting the national emergency action and added, “Why wouldn’t he be?”

Cohost Ainsley Earhardt laid out where Trump will take the money he plans to add to Congress' appropriation before enthusing, “all to be used to build that wall to keep drugs out of the country.”

“There you go!” Doocy said approvingly.

Jesus' BFF Earhardt was being deceitful. She kept from viewers the fact that most drugs come to the U.S. through ports of entry. Nobody corrected her.

Doocy, who sat through Trump’s 2014 pronouncements without challenge, now gave a big stamp of approval to the national emergency declaration: “I’m sure the president’s base this morning is going, ‘Good. That’s exactly why we put you there. We wanted you to do that.’” Doocy didn’t note that most Americans disagree.

“One of the reasons people went to the polls to vote for him, for that wall, and if you ask Republicans, the ones who support him and support the wall, they say it’s common sense,” Earhardt chirped. Once again, she was being deceptive because she almost certainly knows that Trump is nearly as unpopular as the wall.

Watch Fox & Friends help Trump discredit executive action on immigration in 2014 before cheerleading it this week in the clip above:

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