Hey Susan Collins, Surprised By Kavanaugh’s Abortion Ruling?
Kavanaugh appears to have no problem forcing abortion providers to jump through hoops before he'll agree to a stay in Louisiana.
Brett Kavanaugh, The Virgin Mayor of Keg City, got his first crack at showing to Sen. Collins her faith in his belief that Roe V Wade was settled.
Yesterday the Supreme Court granted a stay, so the law that required physicians who perform abortions must have admitting privileges at a nearby hospital, will be put on hold while the case moves forward. They have not ruled on the law itself.
The decision represents the first major ruling related to abortion since Prznint Stupid began packing the Supreme Court with Heritage Foundation flunkies. In an amusing show of how bad things have gotten, Chief Justice John Roberts was the crucial 5th vote.
So, how’d that confirmation vote working out for ya, Susie? 2020 looking good? Yeah.
Crossposted from Mock Paper Scissors