Joe Lieberman Pooh-Poohs The 'Rush To Judgment' Against Ralph Northam

Apparently, overt racism is no reason to remove a good white man from office.

Good ole Joe Lieberman proved once again that he can always be relied upon to do and say exactly the wrong things for the country and the Democratic Party by defending embattled Governor Ralph Northam of Virginia.

Apparently, overt racism is no reason to remove a good white man from office. And especially not for "political reasons." What exactly Lieberman meant by that was unclear.

What a putz.

Source: Washington Post

Former senator Joseph I. Lieberman (Conn.), the Democrats’ vice presidential nominee in 2000, offered a rare voice of support Monday for Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam (D) staying in office amid the controversy over a racist photo in his medical school yearbook.

Lieberman, who became an independent late in his Senate career, was asked during an appearance on CNN whether he thinks Northam should resign.

“I don’t today,” Lieberman said. “I think there’s a rush to judgment that is unfair to him. One, he says he wasn’t in that picture. Two, I think we ought to fairly ask him, ‘Did he know the picture was on his page of that yearbook?’ And then three, really, he ought to be judged on the context of his whole life.”

“I think he deserves a chance to prove what really is his essence, not to rush him out of office, unfortunately for political reasons,” Lieberman said.

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