Fake News! Confused Sen. Cornyn Tweets That Mussolini Was An Evil Democratic Socialist
Someone should probably tell Senator Cornyn Mussolini wasn't a Democratic socialist. Fascism is what he's supporting.
Democratic socialism is so evil, especially when there’s so many other good things to replace it.
Seriously, he wants to use the Mussolini argument against socialism? Like Mussolini had a better idea?
Okay, it has become award-winning weird when a Republican United States Senator throws out a Mussolini quote with no context whatsoever. Yes, that is Texas Senator John Cornyn quoting Benito Mussolini. When challenged why he would quote Mussolini out of the clear blue, he explained that democratic socialists “have forgotten or never learned the lessons of history, and how their ideology is incompatible with freedom.”
And you’re gonna quote Benito Mussolini to make that point for you?
I dunno, John, if you’re gonna go full fascist on us, just say so.
Cornyn, after half the Twitter asks What The Hell, replies, “Did I over estimate the intelligence of some in the twitter sphere?” That’s it. That’s all he said about it.
Yeah, that’s the problem in America today. John Cornyn is just too damn smart.