Trump On Serving In Vietnam: 'You Think I'm Stupid?'

"Bone Spurs" Trump took to Twitter to note his "talks" with the North Koreans and Vietnamese included dissing Richard Blumenthal's lack of Vietnam service. Blumenthal did serve in the Marines from 1970-76.

Above, from 2016, that time Donald Trump "got" a Purple Heart.

And Trump is freaking out because amidst the Cohen testimony is a nugget where he notes that he didn't serve in Vietnam because he's not "stupid."

What the hell is the US taxpayer doing sending this guy to "negotiate" anything overseas? The only benefit is, we've got him out of the country during the Cohen hearings.

So they're using taxpayer money to send him to Asia to gossip about Democratic Senators?

And "how is Connecticut" -- Does Donald Trump not realize he is the so-called president of Connecticut, even though the state is blue?

Many on social media noted that he even got Blumenthal's admittedly embarrassing lie wrong.

Blumenthal actually served in the US Marines from 1970-76. He just never served in Vietnam.

He didn't use a bone spurs excuse paid for by his dad to get out of military service, which by your own words is "stupid."

But you love vets, right?

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