16-Year-Old Belfast Teen Cuts All The Brexit Bullshit In Devastating Fashion

"A party putting itself first before the country it is trying to govern," the Belfast teen said of the Conservatives and the Brexit fiasco embroiling the UK.

Appearing on the BBC program Question Time from Northern Ireland, a Belfast teen in the audience cut through all the nonsense surrounding the UK's disastrous decision to leave the EU, and laid the blame squarely at the feet of inept and cowardly politicians. 16-year-old Amelia's response has since gone viral and viewed millions of times around the world.

The kids are alright. It's the adults you have to watch.

Source: The New European

A 16-year-old teenager laid the blame firmly at the former prime minister’s door for the gamble he took to try to see off a possible electoral threat from UKIP.

She told the Belfast audience: “I’d like to say you’re all right. This goes back much further than this week, but it goes much further than any of you have said it does. When the plans for the referendum were first announced, it goes back to David Cameron trying to negotiate in the EU.

“David Cameron made the referendum policy because he didn’t want to risk losing ten or 15 seats to UKIP. And look where it’s got us.

“This has always been because of the Tory party playing party politics with issues that are going to be huge generational changes for all of us.

“I’m sixteen years old. I didn’t get a say in Brexit and I won’t get a say in Brexit because there is not going to be a second referendum as things stand. But either way, what we have to face is this is not an issue of parties not coming together.”

The audience member, however, did not believe a People’s Vote was likely.

“This is not an issue of direct democracy, or what a People’s Vote can solve what it failed in the first place. What we need to look at is this is all caused by a party putting itself first before the country that it is trying to govern.

“What we need to do is not look back to a People’s Vote. We need to look at a further extension and we can solve this where this could have all been avoided in the first place – by going back to a general election and representative democracy because that’s what this country was built on.”

And here she is, Amelia now reflecting on her newfound celebrity.

Another young lady was just as passionate and just as impressively furious.

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