And Now, Back To The Trump Investigations

We're moving on to Part Two: The Personal Finances. Which he is hiding. Why?

I think pretty much we all knew that the Mueller Report was not going to end the 4th Reich; if it contained damning evidence that the Russian Usurper would only dig-in like a tick. Well, he’s still dug-in like a tick anyway, but his mostly legal problems are far from over.Trump’s response: “It was a complete and total exoneration.” End of story? Not by a long shotVox breaks it down into several categories:

  • The hush money investigation
  • The Trump inaugural committee investigations
  • The top congressional inquiries
    • The House Russia and obstruction probes
    • White House security clearances
    • Trump’s tax returns
  • New York state-based investigations
    • The Trump Foundation
    • New York state tax investigations
    • Trump projects’ financing
  • Lawsuits
    • Summer Zervos’s defamation lawsuit
    • Emoluments lawsuit

I would like to pick a bone with Vox about calling the first bullet the hush money investigation. It actually is about campaign finance violations, which is a serious crime and has serious consequences as D’Vorce D’Spousa can attest. I think it is cheap and easy to focus in on Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal for wink-wink reasons, but it undermines how serious the crime actually is.As we said yesterday, there is a difference between colluded with Russia and compromised by Russia, but these things have me confused:

  • According to a Mueller indictment of Roger Stone, Stone was in touch with senior Trump campaign officials about WikiLeaks e-mail dumps. There’s an unnamed individual who directed a senior Trump campaign official to “contact Stone about any additional releases and . . . other damaging information.”
  • And according to court filings, Paul Manafort passed polling data to Konstantin Kilimnik, who then very likely gave it to the troll farm so they could fine tune which states were more likely to be receptive to their disinformation messages.

So, I guess collusion is up for definition, and maybe I don’t understand it? Or maybe Barr was not looking at the smoke?Hair Füror has put kids in cages. He’s sided with fine people on both sides (white supremacists). He’s imposed a quasi-religious test to keep Muslims from entering the United States. I don’t know if he is a racist, but I do know that admitted racists see him as one of their own.In my opinion, he should be removed from office in handcuffs. It is clearer now than ever that the only chance we have is the 2020 Goat Rodeo. Everyone is needed to be on-deck for this. Whoever the Dim candidate is needs our support. This is not a drill.

I’ll also give my reluctant hat tip to Nancy Pelosi for throwing water on impeachment enthusiasm.

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