BREAKING: Matt Whitaker 'Would Not Deny' Talking With Trump About Cases

That sounds awfully obstruction-y.

Just now, from Nicolle Wallace on Deadline White House:

"We have big, breaking news from the chairman of the House Judiciary committee, Jerry Nadler, telling reporters a few minutes ago that former Attorney General Matthew Whitaker in a meeting today did not deny having conversations with the president that could become critical in an obstruction of justice investigation out of the Mueller probe and the Southern District of New York," she said.

NADLER: The three main takeaways, that we take away from today, one, unlike in the hearing room, Mr. Whitaker did not deny that the president called him to discuss Michael Cohen, the Michael Cohen case, and personnel decisions in the Southern District. Two, while he was acting attorney general, Mr. Whitaker was directly involved in conversations about whether to fire one or more U.S. attorneys. Three, while he was acting attorney general, Mr. Whitaker was involved in discussions about the scope of the Southern District of New York attorney Berman's his recusal, and whether or not the Southern District went too far in pursuing the campaign finance investigation in which the president was Individual Number 1. Those were the three takeaways from today.

REPORTER: What is the recourse for this committee based on his statement?

REPORTER: He didn't deny the president's involvement.

NADLER: Just what I said, he did not deny it, unlike in the hearing room.

REPORTER: That means he had ...

NADLER: He would not say no.

As Wallace noted, at some point, you go home, look at your family and decide whether Donald Trump is worth going to jail for.

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