Celebrities Caught In College Admission For Cash Scandal
The FBI indicts two famous actresses along with others in a buying admission to college scandal. But there are so many ways to legally buy your way into elite colleges, people are wondering why the perps did this.
Above: a clip from the Rodney Dangerfield vehicle "Back To School" (1986), where he pokes fun at a wealthy dad purchasing admission to college. Yes, that's a thing.
This latest FBI operation involving pay-offs to test proctors, coaches, and others by wealthy people has folks puzzled. There are so many ways for rich people to "legally" find a path to college for their stupid kids. Why would someone actually commit bribery to cheat?
Of course, attention is paid because two of those indicted are famous Hollywood actresses.
But again, if you haven't found a way to cozy up to a college with your money in advance, cheating at the point of senior year is kind of dumb. Chris Hayes has an entire chapter in his book "Twilight of the Elites" about the advantages wealthy parents have in the admissions game.
Everything from private schools and tutors to test prep and college essay advisors. Hollywood types would do better to funnel thousands into their child's "documentary film project" to gain admission to an elite school. It's done all the time.
Sadly, it appears there was an effort to hoodwink their kids, too.