GOP Rep Mo Brooks Reads 'Mein Kampf' To Attack Democrats

He did what now? Does he just have a copy of "Mein Kampf" lying around his office? And his laundered quote was originally directed at the Jews, so what does that say about Brooks?

Mo Brooks has done it again.

The noted former-"Democrat" turned complete jackass Republican loudmouth decided Monday would be a great time to read Hitler's "Mein Kampf" from the well of the House and compare his Democratic colleagues with Hitler. I'm not going to type any words from "Mein Kampf" onto the site because I'm smarter than Mo Brooks, which is not a stretch. But he ended his speech with this:

"America can either learn from history or be doomed to repeat it. When it comes to 'Big Lie' political propaganda in America, as the Mueller report confirms, America’s Socialists and their fake news media allies are experts and have no peers."

I wonder how it is that Brooks happens to have a copy of "Mein Kampf" lying around his office. Or did he borrow Donald Trump's copy?

The response was overwhelmingly negative. Because really.

And I never thought I would type these words in my life: EVEN CHRIS CILLIZZA

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