Hannity Urges Prosecution Of Trump’s Political Foes

Not content to just declare Trump vindicated by the unseen Mueller report, his biggest cheerleader on Fox, Sean Hannity, immediately weaponized it as an excuse to prosecute Hillary Clinton, Democrats, and “deep state operatives.”

Not content to just declare Donald Trump vindicated by the unseen Mueller report, Sean Hannity weaponized it as an excuse to prosecute Hillary Clinton, Democrats, and “deep state operatives” via a rant undoubtedly meant as a message to the Fan in Chief.

In his 20:38 monologue declaring the left’s “favorite conspiracy theory is dead,” Hannity dishonestly claimed that the still-secret Mueller report has proved Donald Trump’s innocence while, at the same time, Hannity also smeared the investigation as a “witch hunt.”

But once finished claiming exoneration of his Bedtime BFF, Hannity quickly moved to weaponize the report into an authoritarian tool for Trump. After portraying his usual foes as the real crooks, (including a reference to the bogus Uranium One “scandal” debunked by Fox News) Hannity, Trump’s unofficial chief of staff, began his dangerous drumbeat:

HANNITY: The president has been vindicated but so much damage has already been done. …

The big question tonight is, where do we go from here? … Because up until now, many Democrats, all these deep state operatives that have abused power and conspired against Trump and been involved in conspiracies, yeah, they’ve gotten a free pass.


Why were there, when you think about this, no criminal referrals for those associated with Clinton? Oh, that’s right. None of that was investigated because the special counsel’s investigation was a partisan witch hunt from Day One.


Tonight, we know that Mueller did not indict Donald Trump Jr. or Jared Kushner or other people subject to the insant media hysteria speculation. Is the media ever going to apologize to them? Don’t hold your breath.


But we must not forget what happened. A partisan witch hunt … when [Clinton] should have been indicted.


Where we go from here tonight matters. All of those that abuse their power … to first stop Donald Trump from ever being elected and then having an insurance policy if he was elected, thinking they knew better than you, we, the American people. They thought they knew better than all of us.

They all need to be held accountable as we move forward from this day on, in the days, the weeks, the months ahead. And by the way, you and the media, I promise you, you will.

Folks, this is poison that, unfortunately, goes right into the ear of the man occupying the Oval Office. And since this was obviously a pre-prepared commentary, it was undoubtedly approved by a senior Fox News producer.

Watch it above, from the March 22, 2019 Hannity.

Crossposted at News Hounds.

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