Jim Jordan Says FBI Is A 'Cabal' Out To Get Trump

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) joins the rest of the Republican Party in continuing to sow distrust in our federal law enforcement.

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) charged on Sunday that a "cabal" within the FBI had tried to take down President Donald Trump.

During an interview on ABC, host George Stephanopoulos asked Jordan if the entire report from special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation should be released to the public.

"I’ll tell you this morning, if he’s going to release all the information, then I want all of it released," Jordan said, referring to documents that Republicans believe show FBI malfeasance.

"They used that dossier. Took it to a secret court," he continued. "[Investigators] didn’t tell the court the Clinton campaign paid for the document. Didn’t tell the court a foreigner desperate to stop Trump from being elected wrote the document. If they’re going to release everything, release it all."

"You agree all the underlying documents should be released, top to bottom, the Mueller report should be released?" Stephanopoulos pressed. "There is nothing in the law that precludes the attorney general from releasing all of that."

"I’m saying the attorney general should follow the statute," Jordan agreed, before demanding to see evidence of a conspiracy: "If they’re beginning to release everything, release it all."

"We have asked for that information to be made public a long time ago because that goes to what these top people, this cabal at the top of the FBI, what they did when they launched this thing in the fall of 2016, before the election."

Stephanopoulos noted that investigations into the president continue in other districts like the Southern District of New York. He did not mention that none of Jordan's allegations on the origins of the investigation are factual.

"What I choose to focus on is the fundamental charge of the special counsel was to look at collusion," Jordan replied, ignoring about a half dozen investigations into the president.

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