At Long Last, CNN Hosts A Real Democratic Voter Panel

After "listening to the concerns" of Trump voters for eons, CNN finds some actual Democrats and gives them airtime.

CNN pretends to be even with their interest in Trump voters versus Hillary voters, but when it comes to attention the entire mainstream media has spent an unbalanced amount of airtime on the Trump voter. This panel of Democrats, all of whom voted for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 general election, was refreshing. More like this please.


These voters are very worried that the Trump base will be hard to beat in 2020.

Trump is a guilty, unindicted, co-conspirator. The Democratic House is essential to bringing out the truth about the Trump Crime Family.

They're frustrated that Trump gets away with so much. Yes impeachment is on their minds, but they don't believe Democrats will necessarily benefit from that. The most important thing to them is getting Trump out of office.

Nancy Pelosi has won them over by standing strong against the Wall and for Democratic values. She's the right person at the right time to lead the Democratic House.

AOC is the future of the Democratic Party. She's a badass.

John Berman and Alisyn Camerota noted after the segment that these voters are unfazed that AOC is the target of so much ire from the right. Bring it on, these voters seemed to say.

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