Meghan McCain Ridiculed After Accusing Jewish Cartoonist Of Anti-Semitic Cartoon Of Her

Or spoiled little rich and oh so entitled white girl can't take a joke.

See, this is what happens when you're a rich and spoiled white girl who thinks she can say whatever foolishness pops into her head, which come to think of it, that is exactly what's she's paid to do on ABC's The View. McCain had earlier shamelessly teared up on The View over comments made by Rep. Ilhan Omar. As with her tv comments, the mockery was unmerciful and unrelenting.

The original.

Here's her tweet response.

To which the very Jewish Eli Valley cheekily replied:

And the Internet was off to the races.

Vampire Weekend's Ezra Koenig had a smart take on what she's trying to pull.

But of course McCain had her defenders, mostly from the worst people section of political twitter, but that's to be expected.

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