Malcolm Nance Rips Trump To Shreds Over NZ Response

Trump dishonors Malcolm Nance and everyone who has worked with our Muslim compatriots to make America TRULY great.

Malcolm Nance joined Joy Reid on Saturday to talk about the horror of the New Zealand massacre, and the white nationalism and white supremacy that drove it. Reid set up a contrast between Trump's reactions to terrorism, depending upon whether the terrorist has white skin or brown/Black skin. She led with Trump's words from his response after a terrorist attack in London, when he tweeted about terrorist, calling them "animals" and "crazy" when the presumed terrorist was Muslim. Then on Friday, since the terrorist was a white supremacist, he tweeted hollow, syrupy words about how his heart went out to the victims, and how the U.S. stands with New Zealand. Oh, and let's not forget the "best wishes" he sent to them.

This was just about too damn much for Nance, whose job it has been for decades to protect Americans from terrorists, and in so doing, has worked with the finest Arab and Muslim citizens of Middle Eastern nations and in America.

NANCE: Can I rant for a second? You know, I've spent my entire life defending this nation. I spent my entire life in the Middle East working with our Arab and Muslim allies to keep what they call the the invaders and the Muslim hordes out of here. We have done that successfully. But we've turned a complete and total blind eye to the Americans in our own midst who are terrorists, to Americans who would betray our own Constitution on the basis of tribalism. The president is pushing this. The president is their champion. And you know what, to be quite honest, he needs to Sierra Tango Foxtrot Uniform.

And if he doesn't understand what that means, he needs to turn to the right and ask his defense attaché or the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

He is stoking violence not just in the United States, but around the world. He is a leader. Act like it. E pluribus unum. "From many, one," is what we are. And that does not mean that one tribe is over another tribe. The people in the counter terrorism community, every intelligence watch officer watching right now cannot do their work so long as the president of the United States keeps talking about them like they are foreign invaders who are taking something away from us. All immigrants to this country give us something. Ask Alexander Hamilton, George Washington and all the rest of the people who came from some other place and created this nation.

How many different ways do people whose job it is to secure our safety need to tell us that Trump is endangering us? How many innocent people have to die, here and around the world?

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