PA Republican Gives Bigoted Prayer Before Muslim Rep Sworn In
Absolute bigotry in the disguise of prayer. GOP Rep (PA) Stephanie Borowicz thanked Jesus for Donald Trump and said all knees would bow to Jesus. This on the day that a Muslim was being sworn into the chamber.
Feckless "Christian" Stephanie Borowicz was asked to give the opening invocation at Monday's Pennsylvania House of Representatives session.
She gave a prayer where she invoked the name of Jesus 12 times, called him Lord of all, thanked him for being with the Founding Fathers and Lincoln, thanked him for Donald Trump's support of Israel, thanked him for Israel, said every knee shall bow to Jesus, and finally, when another member cried "objection!" was tapped on the arm by the House Leader to get off the stage.
On the schedule for that day was the swearing in of Movita Johnson-Harrell, a Philadelphia Democrat who happens to be Muslim.
Ms. Borowicz doesn't think she did anything wrong because that's how she always prays. Ugh.
AHEM somebody got a memo: