Pat Buchanan Tells Laura Ingraham That African-Americans Have Not 'Fully Assimilated'
Ah...the unbearable whiteness of Pat Buchanan rears it's paleo-conservative head again.
Oh dear lord, why is this man given a microphone?
On Laura Ingraham's podcast released March 28, she spoke to paleo-conservative and Nazi apologist Pat Buchanan.
In a discussion on Trump's draconian immigration policies (because who else would you talk about immigration to than white supremacist Pat Buchanan?), Buchanan told Ingraham that he's against immigration because, after all, the "African-Americans" have been here for 400 years and they still haven't "fully assimilated," so how could we expect more of those trying to cross the border.
No, seriously. This is what passes for logical thought processes among conservatives.
"Well, the point is, in these -- 90 percent of these are folks coming from what you might call the second or the third world. And people are, you know, people are fundamentally, basically good, but there's no doubt there's a greater difficulty in assimilating people from different civilizations and cultures and ethnicities and races in the United State, than there -- than other folks.
And we know this is true, African-Americans have been here since 1619. They've helped build and create the nation. They're part of its culture and history, and yet we haven't fully assimilated African-American citizens."
h/t Media Matters