Rep. Kevin McCarthy Claims Trump's Done Nothing To Deserve Impeachment

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy pretends Trump hasn't done anything to merit impeachment.

This is the same guy who openly admitted that their Benghazi witch hunt was all about doing political damage to Hillary Clinton and that Trump was on Putin's payroll. Now that we've got the actual criminal in the White House, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy wants to look the other way:

STEPHANOPOULOS: You heard a lot there from Congressman Nadler. He says the president obstructed justice. He sees abuses of power in the granting of security clearance to Jared Kushner. He sees violations of the emoluments clause. Your response?

MCCARTHY: I think Congressman Nadler decided to impeach the president the day the president won the election.

STEPHANOPOULOS: He says he’s not there yet.

MCCARTHY: Yes – well, listen to exactly what he said. He talks about impeachment before he even became chairman and then he says, you’ve got to persuade people to get there. There’s nothing that the president did wrong. What was most …


MCCARTHY: In this process to be impeached, show me where the president did anything to be impeached. The other thing you have to find is, listen to what Nadler said. Nadler is setting the framework now that the Democrats are not to believe the Mueller report. They’re now saying we have to do our own investigation. After you had hundreds of interviews, millions of dollars spent in the Senate and the House, they find no collusion.

Even if you listen to the Cohen’s (ph) own hearing last week, what did he say? He never went to Prague, which is the basis for Mueller …

STEPHANOPOULOS: So you accept Robert Mueller’s report? Whatever he comes back with, you’ll accept that?

MCCARTHY: I want to see Mueller’s report, yes. I’m not – I’m not setting a framework right now that I’m not going to support it. They’re setting a whole new course because they – there’s no collusion so they want to build something else. They want to persuade to go some other place. Listen; Nadler says he wants impeachment. Listen to – he said he had proof ahead of time, you have Schiff, who said he had evidence long before the investigation happened. He’s never produced that.

If a Democratic president had done one tenth of what we've seen from this corrupt administration, they would have started impeachment hearings the day after they took office. McCarthy also defended Trump overriding the CIA on Kushner's security clearance.

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