Sarah Kendzior: 'Get This Crime Family Out Of The White House Now!'

She calls for Jared Kushner to be indicted, and the Trumps to be run out of town.

Sarah Kendzior, an expert on authoritarian states, continues to make the obvious point (obvious to anyone with her expertise in the matter, or who's paying attention), that Donald Trump is grooming his family members (for succession, perhaps) by giving them unwarranted access to the most classified and sensitive information the United States possesses, despite all the red flags. And because Trump was made president by an electorate that seemingly doesn't care, he has been able to get away with this.

Kendzior would call this madness. And in this segment she calls for Jared Kushner to be indicted. Whether that will ever happen while Trump remains in office remains to be seen. One thing is clear though, giving enormous power to the Trump Crime Family though will have consequences for many years to come. And it's already proven to be enormously damaging for the United States, and the world.

Source: Raw Story

“This is like the 12th time I’ve been on your show talking about Jared Kushner and the fact that he lied on his clearance forms, that he’s done illicit dealings and giving away state secrets and he’s a massive national security risk and so is Ivanka Trump,” Kendzior began with her voice rising.

“The only way that we would be able to finally stop having this conversation on national TV is if he is indicted — that is is what needs to be done.” she continued. “This problem is enormous and it’s going to persevere.”

“Even if he is gone, he’s carrying around this information, other people are carrying around classified information,” she elaborated. “They do not have loyalty to this country, they have debt, they have financial interests, they have personal interests and this problem needs to be handled now.”

“It is ridiculous that I appear on here as do others to have the same conversation again” she concluded. “Just indict Jared Kushner and indict Ivanka Trump and get this crime family out of the White House.”

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