A Yelp Restaurant Guide For MAGA Snowflakes Is Now An App
There's an app that helps MAGA types pick a restaurant. They won't tell you about the food, but they will tell you if you can open carry. Special!
In the He-man, Woman-haters clubhouse of Wingnuttia, the on-going project of protecting themselves from mean Libtard Snowflakes continues apace. Introducing their latest attempt to create the Ultimate Solution (a-hem!), 63red Safe.
It’s Yelp for Possum Hollar.
Everywhere they look, Donald Trump’s supporters feel like they’re under attack.
White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was asked to leave a restaurant; Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was chased out of another. Right-wing media outlets are filled with stories of liberals pulling off “Make America Great Again” hats…
Now, in a move reminiscent of the “Green Book” guide that listed safe establishments for African-American motorists in the South, hyper-vigilant Trump supporters are trying to build their own guide to MAGA-friendly businesses.”
Seriously, they are worried about getting punched-out by us pajama-boy, tofu-eating Lefties:
Trump supporters who want to grab dinner but are terrified of getting punched by an antifascist “antifa” activist can pull up the app, “63red Safe,” and find a list of Trump-friendly businesses—or at least ones that don’t discriminate against conservatives.”
The app asks users to answer a handful of questions about local businesses, then marks it as either “safe” or “not safe” for Wingnuts based on the results. Per Medium:
The app asks four questions about the restaurant or business being reviewed:
- Does this business serve persons of every political belief?
- Will this business protect its customers if they are attacked for political reasons?
- Does this business allow legal concealed carry under this state’s laws?
- Does this business avoid politics in its ads and social media postings?
So, not exactly is the food any good, but can I pack heat. Seems reasonable for that special occasion place.
“I’m trying to position it as an everyday ‘where can I go eat safely’ app,” Scott Wallace, the app’s founder, told The Daily Beast.”
“I believe that, between now and 2020, we’re going to see the rise of the socialist goon squad,” Wallace said. “I think antifa was nothing compared between now and what’s coming in 2020. And I’m deeply concerned.”
Wallace says 63red Safe is less about finding pro-Trump businesses, and more about letting conservatives know if they’re in a business that opposes their politics.
“If they’re not political, they’re safe,” Wallace said.
So, what criteria is used to determine a business’ status of Safe/Not Safe for the average wingnut?
Some businesses have earned reviewers’ ire and the “not safe” tag for obvious reasons. Lexington, Va.’s Red Hen restaurant, for example, is listed as “unsafe” on the app after asking Sanders to leave last year.
But other ratings on the app are less obvious. A number of Oklahoma City pizzerias have been rated, but it’s not clear why one pizza place is rated as “not safe” and another as “safe.” Aside from the “safe” or “not safe” rulings, the app doesn’t offer any explanation for why one business is safe and another not.”
Well that seems totally transparent and completely fair! So let’s say your Pizza competition in the ‘Hollar needs to come down a peg or two… what could possibly go wrong?
Let’s read some reviews!
Smart move for creating this app. Us Constitution and Republic supporters who believe in the freedom, respect, and peace for ALL need to finally stand up for ourselves and use our voices. The left are too loud, accuse us for any wrong action they actually commit, and demand we listen to them. We will not do what they want us to do, but we do listen. Let’s use this app and leave those on the left to their own demise. They refuse and cannot listen to facts and logic. Facts “trigger” them.
Wanted to access the info on this app to determine where NOT to patronize. If they’re advertised here, we’re not going. And we’ll tell them why.
Love reading the baby hacking, racist, perverted unstable junkie democrats attacking a mobile app. so many losers across the nation. we surf on their tears
63red Safe is available in the Itunes App Store and on Google Play.