Adam Schiff Makes It Clear That Impeachment Is Definitely On The Table
Democratic leaders in both chambers of Congress continue to use the "I" word
The Trump Cult may be doing a victory lap, claiming TOTAL EXONERATION!, but the reality could not be farther from the truth. On ABC's This Week, Rep. Adam Schiff made it clear that impeachment hearings are even more likely after the devastating Mueller report.
Schiff acknowledged that the evidence in the Mueller report is "serious and damning" and "without question within the realm of impeachable offenses" but pointed out that we are in circumstances where the GOP and McConnell are unwilling to stand up to Donald Trump. But, the Democrats may need to look into impeachment if it is in the best interests of the country. He acknowledges it is a "tough" question, but does not rule it out.
In the last few days, the drumbeat to at least take up hearings in the House has grown substantially louder. Yes, it may (probably will) fail in the Senate, but hearings are necessary to continue to shine the light on the behaviors and actions of this corrupt administration.
Think about it - the GOP and Trump cult only read tweets from and hear Fox News analysis of the Mueller report. They are not reading it themselves. They are not hearing from witnesses. If the Democrats have weeks of hearings, with faces and voices and clips of questioning, it is possible that some in the cult will remove their blinders and listen. And at the very least, we must hold hearings to show the public that we will not tolerate this type of criminal behavior and brazen obstruction.