C-SPAN Caller Demands Congress Bring Back The 'Old White Men'
In what we are all assuming was a call from an old white man, a C-SPAN viewer showed his colors by denigrating women and non-whites on-air for all to hear.
A C-SPAN caller on Monday argued that Congress was better off when there were more “old white men” in charge. During a conversation about diversity in Congress on C-SPAN’s Washington Journalprogram, a Republican caller named Phil from Connecticut expressed his dislike for women in Congress.
“Oh God, this freshman class, they are the stupidest things imaginable,” Phil said. “Loud, vulgar, no concept of reality, no concept of how the economy works.”
“Nancy Pelosi… she can’t control these characters,” he continued. “She has as much luck controlling the freshmen as she has keeping her dentures in. She doesn’t know what the hell she’s doing.” Phil went on to complain about “diversity” in Congress.“ I’m sorry, if this is the fruits of diversity, bring back the old white men,” he demanded. “At least they know how to get things done.”
At that point, the C-SPAN host moved on to the next caller. Watch the video above from C-SPAN.