Cuomo And Acosta Call Bullsh*t On Kellyanne Conway

CNN's Chris Cuomo and Jim Acosta call out Kellyanne's ludicrous spin about Trump's lies

Kellyanne Conway, the despicable she-devil working as Donald Trump's spokesperson or adviser or babysitter (I can't keep track) is a proven and unapologetic liar. From "alternative facts" to the Bowling Green Massacre, Kellyanne has never found a lie too big to tell, as long as it benefits her and her Dear Leader, Satan. I mean Donald Trump. Sorry, I confuse the two lately.

Anyway, today the Mueller Report finally dropped and in one particularly illuminating paragraph, Mueller recounts reports that when Trump found out, he slumped down in his chair, like a toddler finally getting caught when he did something wrong, and declared, petulantly:

"Oh my God. This is terrible. This is the end of my presidency. I'm f*cked."

Chris Cuomo and Jim Acosta discussed that very topic in this clip:

CUOMO: It is time for that stuff to end. The report is out, we know what they say he said. They could spin all they want and telling all of us there is nothing in this. This is B.S. and they know it. If you want to stick to criminality, fine. But if they say there is no proof of wrongdoing by President or anyone around him, they're in for a long life of quotes being thrown in their face.

ACOSTA: And Chris, the B.S. beepers have been going off today in the press room. And that is a moment. And another moment is when I pressed Kellyanne Conway on the Trump Tower meeting in 2016 because one of the things she said when she came out to the cameras, there was no collusion, no conspiracy. But what the Mueller Report clearly lays out and you were just talking about this a few moments ago, there were these inappropriate contacts.

The best part of Cuomo and Acosta calling Kellyanne a liar is not having her there to spin some lies. Let's keep her off the air for good, guys. She is a waste of space and nothing she says can be trusted to be truthful. We know she is a paid liar. We know she is disingenuous. We know she is a huckster shilling for a grifting conman. We know she has zero qualms staring the American people in the face, darting her forked tongue between her teeth and hissing out more lies.

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