Daily Beast At Trump Fundraiser Writes The Story GOP Wanted

Lapdog media at Daily Beast praises Trump's "No celebrities!" private golf club dinner.

Daily Beast At Trump Fundraiser Writes The Story GOP Wanted

I'm seeing a lot of schadenfreude on Twitter in response to this Daily Beast story:

‘No Celebrities’: Embarrassing Turnout at Trump’s Beverly Hills Fundraiser

Late Friday afternoon, Donald Trump landed in Los Angeles for a re-election fundraiser. The event was organized by Trump Victory, a fundraising partnership between the Republican National Convention and Trump’s campaign, and aimed to raise an estimated $5 million for the party. It was the president’s third visit to the celebrity-hub city and, by all accounts, not a star-studded one.

“Celebrities? No celebrities,” Rabbi Marvin Hier said of the event. Hier is the dean and founder of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, and gave the prayer at Trump’s inauguration. Multiple valets in royal blue jackets, who declined to give their names because of their job, echoed his sentiment.

“No celebrities,” said one valet, driving past in a golf cart.

“Yeah, no celebrities,” claimed a second.

Is that embarrassing for the president? No. The Washington Post reported that there were 170 attendees; the Beast's Tarpley Hitt got varying estimates of attendance (Rabbi Hier said 400, his wife said 200). I'm sure many nice checks were written.

Celebrities? Remember that Trump's base wants to hear that no celebrities were in attendance. Trump's base believes that conservative celebrities are treated worse in Hollywood than Jews were in Nazi Germany. That's not an exaggeration -- one celebrity actually said that a couple of years ago:

“You’ve gotta be real careful around here,” Allen told [Jimmy] Kimmel when asked on Friday night’s show about attending President Donald Trump’s inauguration. “You can get beat up. If you don’t believe what everybody believes this is like ’30s Germany.”

This story just proves that liberals are the real fascists and the GOP is the party of heartland America. Sure, it's also the party of all those rich non-celebrities in L.A. -- but the right-wing base won't pay attention to that. No celebrities! That's a badge of honor.

Crossposted from No More Mr. Nice Blog

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