Feinstein: DHS Purge 'Unprecedented, A Threat To Our National Security'

"I'm concerned. I'm concerned of a growing void of leadership within the Department of Homeland Security," said Sen. Ron Johnson. When even the dumbest man in the Senate is worried, we should all be.

Pundits and politicians alike are worried about Trump's sudden purge of DHS officials. (Once again, the weenie CEO "fires" people via Twitter.)

"So the vacancies at the DHS have top lawmakers expressing their worry about disorganization at the department. Dianne Feinstein, the ranking member of the Judiciary committee, said the purge of senior leadership at the DHS is unprecedented and a threat to our national security," Mika Scarborough said.

"That's at least ten top positions filled by someone in an acting capacity. And by the way, we're just talking about DHS here. there's a bigger conversation to have about how this government is being run. But here is Republican chairman of the Senate Homeland Security committee. Here's NBC's chief justice correspondent Pete Williams, who has covered the Department of Homeland Security since its inception.

SEN. RON JOHNSON: I'm concerned. I'm concerned of a growing void of leadership within the Department of Homeland Security. I'll be talking to Commissioner McAleenan, who will be the acting secretary and we'll start talking about what is happening inside the department and how are we going to fill these leadership commissions?

"Without a leader, without a deputy secretary, without a head of FEMA, without a head of ICE., this whole immigration thing has totally overshadowed what still is the Department of Homeland Security's mission," Williams said. "I told my colleagues and Julia (Ainsley) when she was at Reuters and I'd often see her at Homeland Security briefings, I used to remember when we talked about terrorism and Homeland Security and now it seems all we talk about is immigration."

"And that is a great irony, Donald Trump who campaigned claiming he was such a fierce opponent of Islamic radicalism, he's now turned this department away from its core mission and is now a department that's new goal is to chase shadows along the southern border."

"That's exactly right," Eugene Robinson said. "This is all, really, this whole purge I think is about the one policy that's been a pretty consistent policy of this administration and this president, which is, the country is full. We're no longer a nation of immigrants. We're full up. We don't want you. Your poor, your masses, stay away, get lost, beat it, you know, look, there are reports this president wants to restart the cruelest policy he's enacted so far, of child separation, for which people really should go to jail. Again, reports that he's told border agents when he's talked to them in person, 'Don't listen to the judges, don't follow the law. Just tell these asylum seekers to stay away."

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