Gym Jordan Says House Oversight Engaged In 'Abuse Of Power'?
"I know you are but what am I" Ohio Republican calls looking at the so-called president's financials is an "abuse of power." Benghazi said what?

Prznint Stupid’s personal attorneys William S. Consovoy and Stefan Passantino are working overtime (and billing hours!) to conceal all of his financial information!
Dewey Screwem & Howe (or whatever their law firm is called) are urging Treasury officials to violate the law requiring the department to furnish Trump’s tax returns to Congress, and threatening The Russian Usurper’s New York accounting firm Mazars U.S.A. with legal action if it complies with a congressional subpoena. The attorneys said they were formally putting Mazars ”on notice”—an implicit threat of legal action.
Hysterically, Rep. Gym Jordan (R-Locker Room) also sent a letter to members of the Oversight Committee yesterday, calling their request a “grave abuse” of power.
We should note that former Ohio State wrestlers have accused Jordan of knowing and not doing ANYTHING about it when they were sexually abused by the university’s athletic doctor while Jordan was an assistant coach, so it seems Jordan is sumpin’ of an expert on grave abuse (of power). But I digress.
But wait! There’s More! Ginzu knives! I mean, Politico!
House Democrats on Monday issued a subpoena to the German lender Deutsche Bank seeking information on President Donald Trump’s finances, a major escalation of their investigation into his business dealings.
In addition to the Deutsche Bank subpoena, House Democrats subpoenaed other banks — including JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America and Citigroup — seeking information on Russian money laundering. The issuance of the subpoenas was first reported by The New York Times. Democrats were expected to issue additional subpoenas targeting Trump’s finances soon, Democratic aides said.
Consovoy probably got to do some more billing to Comrade Stupid Grift Inc, when he sent a letter to the Treasury Department demanding that it keep Prznint Stupid’s tax returns under lock and key behind a moat with sharks with laser beams circling it.
But not to worry, Treasury Secretary and human typo Steven Mnuchin has already indicated that he’s willing to do whatever it takes to keep Vulgarmort’s grifting private.
But can he? The Daily Beast tells us:
Donald Trump and his top White House aide declare that the administration will not give the president’s tax returns to Congress, as required under a 1924 anti-corruption law. But both the Treasury secretary and the tax commissioner have been much more nuanced, saying that they will obey the law even as they delay actually doing so.
I know why Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin and Charles Rettig, the IRS commissioner, are so cautious. They don’t want to be removed from office and sent to prison for five years just for doing Trump’s bidding…
Under Section 6103 of our tax code, Treasury officials “shall” turn over the tax returns “upon written request” of the chair of either congressional tax committee or the federal employee who runs Congress’s Joint Committee on Taxation. No request has ever been refused, a host of former congressional tax aides tell me.
Look, Mnuchin went nonlinear when Rep. Maxine Waters delayed him for 10 minutes; imagine what a 5-year sentence will do.
In related news, The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal were honored with Pulitzer Prizes for delving into President Trump’s finances and breaking open the hush-money scandals.
crossposted from Mock Paper Scissors