Hillary Clinton Pens OpEd Calling For Watergate-Style Hearings On Trump-Russia

The winner of the popular vote in 2016 has some opinions on impeachment, too. Ahem.

Hillary Clinton has educated opinions on impeachment. Not only was her husband impeached (without ANY congressional hearings on impeachment, just a rush to do it after the Starr Report was released), but she was also a staff lawyer for the Watergate hearings.

In last night's Washington Post op-ed, she argues that Congress treat the Mueller Report like a Watergate investigation, rather than the great right-wing conspiracy that impeached her husband for lying about an extramarital affair.

On congressional investigations following the release of Mueller's Report:

We have to get this right. The Mueller report isn’t just a reckoning about our recent history; it’s also a warning about the future. Unless checked, the Russians will interfere again in 2020, and possibly other adversaries, such as China or North Korea, will as well. This is an urgent threat. Nobody but Americans should be able to decide America’s future. And, unless he’s held accountable, the president may show even more disregard for the laws of the land and the obligations of his office. He will likely redouble his efforts to advance Putin’s agenda, including rolling back sanctions, weakening NATO and undermining the European Union.

Of all the lessons from our history, the one that’s most important may be that each of us has a vital role to play as citizens. A crime was committed against all Americans, and all Americans should demand action and accountability. Our founders envisioned the danger we face today and designed a system to meet it. Now it’s up to us to prove the wisdom of our Constitution, the resilience of our democracy and the strength of our nation.

You can read the op-ed here, and WaPo provided this video overview, as well:

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