Mika Scarborough Pouts Because Obama Hasn't Endorsed Joe Biden

Once again, she pushes her hero Joe Biden for the Democratic presidential nomination.

On Morning Joe, Mika Scarborough was upset this morning over a comment from President Obama that she interpreted as intended for Joe Biden. As you'll see, it's a stretch:

The most important job we can play now and I think sometimes African leaders, American leaders, leaders everywhere forget this, is that there comes a time where your contribution is not on the field or on the court but it is as a coach, it is as a mentor.

"That was President Obama over the weekend speaking about leadership, and some interpreted his comments as a veiled swipe at his former V.P., 2020 presidential challenger Joe Biden. Dan Pfeiffer, a former adviser, is not one of those people, tweeting, 'I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest that Obama may have been talking about Mandela and himself since he was at the Mandela event last night.' What do you think, Mika?" Joe Scarborough said.

"I'd like to see more full-throated support for Joe Biden from President Obama. I just -- I'm not sure what's going on there. I was always sort of frustrated by the transactional relationship between the Obamas and the Clintons. With those exit interviews, when she was secretary of state and they sat next to each other uncomfortably next to each other on 60 Minutes. It seemed like there was some sort of deal he had to support Hillary. I don't know. I could be wrong. That's what it looked like optically to me, and Vice President Biden is a good man who harkens us back to the best of the Obama presidency," she said, once again taking any opportunity to hint at sinister motives behind Hillary Clinton.

(Unlike a certain "Know Your Value" hustler who cemented her own value by sleeping with her married boss and parlaying that into a franchise. I mean, it looks like there was some kind of deal to let Mika endlessly hawk her books and events, I don't know, I could be wrong. That's what it looks like optically to me.)

"It's interesting, back in December, President Obama met with Beto and sent his best people over to work with Beto," Joe Scarborough said. "To help Beto. So it seems that early on that's what the Obama team decided they were going is to do, get behind Beto O'Rourke instead of Joe Biden. So I'm not so sure, though, what the comments last night mean--"

"They're taking it out of context."

"I think we're trying to do too much when we suggest that that is about Joe Biden. But we shall see."

In other words, Joe thinks his wife is wrong, but it looks like there's some sort of deal he had to support Mika. I don't know, I could be wrong. But I was always sort of frustrated by the transactional relationship between Mika and Joe.

See how that works, Mika? Maybe read up on Carl Jung and I'm sure it will all become clear.

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