Mitch McConnell Celebrates The 'Death' Of Merrick Garland

The Senate Majority Leader gloatingly signed a t-shirt of Garland that read "Gone but not forgotten".

McConnell has made the stolen Supreme Court seat a centrepiece of his own re-election attempt for 2020.

Source: The Daily Beast

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell gleefully signed a T-shirt joking about the death of former Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland, according to photos tweeted Monday. The T-shirt features Garland’s face surrounded by clouds and the dates 3/16/16 and 1/3/17, with the cursive phrase “gone but not forgotten.” McConnell played an instrumental role in keeping Garland, who was nominated by then-President Barack Obama, from filling the seat vacated by Antonin Scalia. Within hours of Scalia’s death, McConnell declared a moratorium on any of Obama’s appointees, arguing that the nomination should be the responsibility of the next president.

Tomi Lahren loved it, of course.

Others, like Harry Reid's former deputy chief-of-staff, were giving their version of Maya Angelou's dictum: "When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time".

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