Morning Jokesters Just Don't Understand Why Silly Democrats Won't Go On Fox!
"Tom Perez is a good guy. I like him. He's so far off the mark here banning Fox News from the Democratic debate," Mike Barnicle said.
The reason we cover Morning Joe here is because they're influential. They're uninformed people's idea of what smart people think.
So I watch them every damn day. As a result, I can predict what Mika or Joe are going to say on almost any issue, and they rarely surprise me in a good way. They only want to cover the horse race, period. (Except when Mika talks about how much she "loves" Joe Biden and apparently that means he should be president.)
This morning, they were all tut-tutting over the DNC's decision that there would be no Democratic primary debate on Fox News. After all, look how nice they were to Bernie Sanders!
"Bernie Sanders did great. He said things the audience really wanted to hear and Fox did a good job having a diverse audience. That's called TV news. That's called covering a campaign. And giving all the candidates equal air time. So if Democrats show up, I think the whole thing about fox -- I mean, it would be smart on Fox's part, but it would start to change, wouldn't it?" she said.
You silly twit. No, it would not change. If you ever left your bubble, you would understand that.
The reason no Democrat should go on Fox News is, while it may be good for you as an individual, it is very bad for the Democratic party. And we really, really need a strong Democratic party. Fox News is a 24/7 propaganda mill, just as dangerous and insidious as a Russian troll factory -- except more overt.
"Tom Perez is a good guy. I like him. He's so far off the mark here banning Fox News from the Democratic debate. You're running for president of the United States. This is one of the basic ideas, to reach as many Americans as possible. This is one way to reach as many Americans as possible," Mike Barnicle said.
Guess he missed Fox's continuing stream of attacks on Bernie after the event, huh?
We know what Fox News is. We've been covering them for 15 years. We know what they've done to this country, and after years of telling Democrats not to go on Fox, they were finally listening.
And as a result of campaigns like Sleeping Giants, they were losing vast amounts of money and their ratings were in the toilet. We had them on the ropes.
Now Bernie's changed all that, and other (white male) candidates say they'll follow. What a stupid move. You think you control Fox? It will be a net negative. They will take your statements and distort them. Any opportunity you have to make inroads will be quickly turned into attacks. This isn't a secret.
Go ahead, reinvent the wheel. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting a different result.