Rep. Deb Dingell Shuts Down GOP Booing Her: 'You Can't Shout Down A Woman!'

During her floor speech, Republicans tried to shut down the Congresswoman while she urged reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act. They didn't succeed.

House Democrats are trying to do something that in the past has been easy, and broadly bipartisan: Reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act. Normally this is broadly bipartisan, because until 2016, even Republicans realized the optics of saying they were cool with violence against women might not win them elections. That was then.

Now, though, since the Dems took the House in 2018, at least THEY are bringing it up for reauthorization. As happens every time it comes up (every five years or so, loopholes in domestic violence laws are tightened and hopefully, closed. This time they are adding the provision that people convicted of intimate partner violence, or stalking will not have legal access to a gun.

"THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS," cry all the NRA gun nuts/Republicans who think convicted wife beaters absolutely SHOULD be able to access guns legally! How else are they supposed to kill their women when they leave them? I mean you know that little tidbit, don't you? That women are in the greatest danger when they leave their abusers? According to the Clarion Ledger,

"The statistics are that women in abusive relationships are about 500 many times more at risk when they leave,” said Wendy Mahoney, executive director for the Mississippi Coalition Against Domestic Violence. “Domestic violence is all about power and control, and when a woman leaves, a man has lost his power and control.”

So, this afternoon, when Rep. Deb Dingell took to the Floor of the House to talk about the provision in VAWA that would disqualify those convicted of stalking and/or intimate partner violence from getting a gun, Republicans howled. Literally. They howled, they booed. They jeered. At the WOMAN trying to protect other women from violence. It was stomach-turning.

And despite "decorum" and "rules" about her time being expired, Rep. Dingell did NOT allow them to shout her down, or quiet her. She still got in the last word, and it was a decisive. No. You will NOT shout down a woman.

DINGELL: I'm gonna say one more thing. Do NOT let the NRA bully you! This is NOT a poison pill!. (loud applause) The provision in this bill, don't forget who I was married to. John Dingell was on the NRA Board. Hell, he helped start it! But all this does — we're not taking away due process! All this does is say that if someone has been convicted — CONVICTED — as an intimate partner, that they would not have access to a gun. And if someone has been CONVICTED of stalking, (booing begins from Republicans) You know what? I'd say to all of you...

(more loud booing of Dingell from Republicans)

CHAIRPERSON: The gentlewoman's time has expired.

(loud applause cheers from Republicans)

CHAIR: The House will be in order.

DINGELL: You know what? You need to not be...

CHAIR: The gentlewoman's time has expired.

DINGELL: You need to not be...

(More loud booing and jeering from Republicans from the floor)

CHAIR: The gentlewoman's time has expired.

DINGELL: Well, I'm gonna keep talking. You know what? YOU CAN'T SHOUT DOWN A WOMAN!

CHAIR: The House will be in order. Members will be reminded to direct their remarks to the Chair.

They had it coming. Every one of those men shouting her down in their strong, loud man-voices wears the blood of a dead domestic violence victim on their hands forever. Every single one.

Postscript: The motion passed in spite of their caterwauling by an overwhelming majority.

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