Report: The White House Is Very Nervous About The Mueller Report Going Public

ABC's Jon Karl reports that the White House is "nervous" about the Mueller report going public, particularly the sections about WH Counsel Don McGahn

On Sunday's ABC This Week panel, Jon Karl talked about the imminently forthcoming release of the Mueller Report. Although it will be undergoing heavy redactions by Bill Barr, a good amount of potentially non-public information will be contained. Media pundits have long speculated that a lot of previously unknown, and possibly damaging information, regarding obstruction of justice could be released.

Although Barr's letter from just a few weeks led to Trump screaming (i.e., tweeting) that he was COMPLETELY EXONERATED, those statements have lost their oomph as the White House and Trump's personal Roy Cohn, Bill Barr...I mean, the "Attorney General of the United States who is definitely not working overtime to protect Donald Trump", have tried to delay the release.

Jon Karl broke some news today when he stated that the White House has been briefed on the Mueller Report (despite Trump's denial that he hasn't seen the report), although it was in "broad brush strokes" on the "logistics and timing of the release." He also states that the White House will not invoke Executive Privilege (Sure Jan gif dot com).

Karl did state that there is "significant concern" from the White House about what will not be redacted, particularly in relation to obstruction, how far "down the line" he went in trying to fire Robert Mueller, and what worries them most is what WH Counsel Don McGahn told the Special Counsel during his 30 plus hours of interviews. And shockingly, Karl notes that no one from Trump's legal team met with or debriefed McGahn after his interviews (endless screaming).

George Conway (aka Kellyanne Conjob's husband), had thoughts:

Jon Karl also made the point that the White House already pushed the good news out with the Bill Barr letter...so what is left to come out is only bad news. And that will dominate the news cycle leading up to the first Democratic Presidential Debate - scheduled for just 2 months from now, in June of 2019!

Maybe this is why Trump has been extra "cuckoo for cocoa puffs" the last few weeks.

Buckle up, kiddies. It's gonna be a bumpy ride.

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