The Steeple People And Morality

Evangelical Christians are no longer concerned about a public official who "commits an immoral act in their personal life." Imagine that.

It’s gonna come as no surprise to you that in 2011 white evangelicals by 60 percent believed that a public official who “commits an immoral act in their personal life” cannot still “behave ethically and fulfill their duties in their public and professional life.”

Clinton on their minds.

However, in 2016, right after the release of the Access Hollywood tape, that number dropped to 20%. Holy cow, that’s a 40% drop of their morality pants.

So, this got pollsters curious. Is the drop due to enlightenment or something else? So this time, they asked people about Clinton and Trump specifically.

White evangelicals had a substantially different reaction when asked about Trump or Clinton. When primed to think about Trump, only 6 percent of them say that an elected official who acts immorally in private is incapable of being ethical in public life. But when Bill Clinton is mentioned, that rises to 27 percent — a 21-point increase.

The study is worth a look-see. It explores other details but the results are always the same – Evangelical Christians believe Democrats are so unworthy of their respect.

Crossposted at juanitajean.com

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