Tomi Lahren Has A Tantrum About Former Felons Getting To Vote

What the hell happened to Tomi to make her such a sadistic brat?

Who gave this third-grader a microphone?

In her "First Thoughts" segment, she railed against politicians, liberal and conservative alike, who want to give convicted felons the right to vote, including while they are serving their sentences. Her alleged reasoning is that the victims of the crimes have been hurt, too. Possibly even lost their lives, and therefore, cannot vote themselves. So an Eye For An Eye it is. Also, we all know people are NEVER wrongly convicted, especially if they are Black.

Being locked up away from society isn't enough punishment for her. Losing one's family isn't enough. One's freedom. Losing the vote has to happen, too. They cannot hang on to their connection to the outside government through the once-a-year vote.

Wow, Tomi must really hold the right to vote extremely close to her heart! Near and dear! Does she have that much respect for it? If so, I'm sure we will see her involved with the Get Out The Vote groups in marginalized areas to help people who are NOT convicted felons register, right? I'm sure she does all she can to help people who have been wrongly convicted get their voting rights restored, right? I mean, if she values voting so highly that she cannot stomach the thought of a convicted felon getting their grubby mitts on it, it only stands to reason that she'd be absolutely distraught that a person had the vote taken away unfairly, due to a wrongful conviction, doesn't it? Raise your hand if you've seen her in rural Georgia working on Stacey Abrams' Fair Fight Action campaign!

Her segment should be named "Almost Thoughts" or "Zero Thoughts" because the amount of thinking that goes into those three minutes of word vomit are truly negligible. And I swear to god, I cannot wait until this pre-adolescent privileged Becky finds out what it is like to actually need mercy and a second chance.


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