Trump Vetoes Resolution To End The Bloody And Criminal War In Yemen

Trump continues to want to keep strong ties with Saudi Arabia and does not share the view of Congress that the kingdom needs to be punished for the killing of Khashoggi, aides told the Washington Post.

The horrors go on. And of course Republicans won't pull enough votes together to override Trump's veto of this hideous war. Via New York Magazine:

As a presidential candidate, Donald Trump repeatedly suggested that Saudi Arabia had orchestrated the 9/11 attacks — and that the United States should stop wasting resources on bloody Middle Eastern wars that have no real connection to our national interest.

As president, Trump just vetoed a congressional resolution that would have ended U.S. support for a Saudi war in Yemen that has likely claimed the lives of more than 85,000 children under 5 years old, and triggered the worst humanitarian crisis on planet Earth — so as to defend America’s vital interest in ensuring that the Middle East’s poorest country is ruled by a puppet of Sunni Islamists, instead of Shia ones.

Earlier this month, for the first time ever, Congress invoked the War Powers Resolution of 1973 to end American involvement in a conflict overseas. Bipartisan majorities in the House and Senate decided that the U.S. had no interest in helping the Saudis.drop American-made bombs on Yemeni school buses and maintain a blockade that has Yemen trembling on the precipice of the worst famine humanity has seen in 100 years.

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