Trump's Energy Secretary Rick Perry Looking For The Exit
Yet another cabinet member on his way out of Trump World.
Other than comedic effect, Gubnor Goodhair was completely unqualified for this job (he thought he was going to be cheerleading American Oil, not counting nuke-u-lar warheads).
Bloomberg reports:
Energy Secretary Rick Perry is planning to leave the Trump administration and is finalizing the terms and timing of his departure, according to two people familiar with his plans.
While Perry’s exit isn’t imminent and one person familiar with the matter said the former Texas governor still hasn’t fully made up his mind, three people said he has been seriously considering his departure for weeks. All of the people spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss private deliberations.
Anyway, if he leaves, that means that there will be more acting cabinet-level secretaries than official ones (I think?), so you know, only the BEST PEOPLE! and they are beating down the doors of the Hellmouth to join Comrade Stupid’s greatest con.
crossposted from Mock Paper Scissors.