Victory! McDonald's Surrenders On Minimum Wage Fight

McDonald's Corporation has ceased all lobbying against minimum wage hikes at the local, state, and national level.

Good news you may have missed. Governing Magazine:

In a letter Tuesday to the National Restaurant Association, Chicago-based McDonald's wrote that, going forward, the company "will not use our resources, including lobbyists or staff, to oppose minimum wage increases at the federal, state or local levels, nor will we participate in association advocacy efforts designed expressly to defeat wage increases."

"We want employees to choose McDonald's as an employer because they see in us a place that provides valuable and portable skills and a safe, respectful work environment," said the letter signed by Genna Gent, vice president of government relations at McDonald's.

McDonald's was long the golden archenemy of the Fight for $15, an advocacy group funded by the Service Employees International Union that organized protests and strikes of fast food workers, and later other low-wage workers, to clamor minimum wage increases and union rights.

SEIU celebrated McDonald's shift as a win.

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